Programs and Projects
Broadening the awareness and strengthening initiatives of civil society to constructively advocate the right to food and nutrition. This program is Funded by the Bread for the World – Germany
Establishment of Right to Food and Nutrition Network RTFN in three Provinces, Western, Northern and Uva Provinces for initiation of advocacy and lobbying campaign on right to food and nutrition for initiation of policy level changes.
End of the program there will be 25 organizational membership for the RTFN Network. They will engage in provincial level to initiates policy level interventions on Right to Food and Nutrition.
200 War widows are to be equipped with knowledge of right particularly food right.
Objective of the Program:

Protection of right to food and nutrition of disadvantaged and marginalised communities via eye opening of relevant authorities through media campaigning on violation of rights to food and nutrition -( Developing two case studies on COVID 19 affected families and war- widows and then creating pressure on authorities by publicizing study findings to general public.)
300 COVID 19 affected families are also to be made aware on their food right.
Sensitized 35 media personals will engage advocacy and lobbying activities against human right violations in in food right.
FIAN Sri Lanka’s Future Expectation
Developing National level Right to Food and Nutrition Network by Island wide replication and expansion of current Right to Food and Nutrition Network
Measures are to be taken to get fully implemented of the National Nutrition Policy
Lobbying and advocacy campaign for Re-establishing of Nutrition Secretariats
Aim to get included right to food and nutrition into the forthcoming new constitution.
Continuous Lobbing and advocacy campaign on human right violation with the support of expected island wide Right to Food and Nutrition Network.
Collaboratively work with Provincial Councils to empower local authorities by means of supporting provincial council to fully implementation of powers vested them by 13th amendment to the constitution.
Local Level food right, nutrition quality and safety are to regulated and improved by supporting local authorities to develop necessary By-Laws and policies.